In wire working there are some specialty tools that enable a designer to create something unique and unusual. There are the usual tools such as different pliers and cutting tool, but also special wire working tools to include wire twisters, coiling pliers, nylon jawed pliers (heavy), rosary pliers (heavy), and bail makers. You can find any of these online or through a vendor that carries special wire working tools.
Wire Twisters (to the left): These unique tools are used to twist short to medium pieces of wire using just one hand. If you are going to be combining more than 2 pieces of wire, or a bunch of wire twists, than an electric hand drill will also perform the same purpose, only much quicker.
Coiling Pliers (to the right): To make jump rings or wire loops, use coiling pliers that have one jaw that is flat and another that is in a 3-tier step making wire loops. This keeps you from marring your wire too much, as conventional convex/concave pliers can easily mar the wire as you turn loops or use as a bail maker.

Bail Makers (to the left): Bail making pliers are usually rounded diameter cylinder pliers and come in different sizes. You can purchase several different sets of bail makers as each one will usually make 3 different size combinations, usually ranging from 1.5mm to 9mm bail or ring sizes depending on the plier size you get.
These are just a few of the specialty tools used in wire working. Doing research on the internet, reading books and magazines or taking a class you can learn about many other specialty tools used in wire working.
Good luck and have fun wire working!