If you absolutely had to do something to improve the BlackBerry Bold 9900 you would change the color, thus making the device even more attractive to some consumers. That is exactly what has occurred, as the BlackBerry 9700 has gone white. Do not be fooled by the name and think that the only thing different about this latest version in the Bold series is going to be a lighter color. There are improved features to help give you further incentives to purchase this device.
This version in this series of phones has an increased processor speed and you will not find another smart phone that has better email capabilities on the market today. You will also find that the track ball allows you to scroll through menus much better than the older versions that had a roller ball system. The roller balls functioned okay, but had a tendency to malfunction.
The screen on these smart phone devices in this BlackBerry 9900 series is not as big as the screens you can find on some other smart phones. Some of the applications that can be downloaded to accompany these devices are wonderful and there is even now a store that is filled with these different apps.
The new white edition is definitely less clunky than some of the older versions of the series. It is definitely slimmer and is easier to carry around; and is perceived as being more stylish than some of its former relatives.
Basically users of the smart phones in this series will be the ones who really notice the differences, because the casual observer may not notice the fine details that have changed in things like the processor speed. Everyone will notice that although the cameras for these phones are not the most powerful you can get on a phone, the images they produce are high quality and they are displayed on screens with a high resolution.
Even the video capabilities of these devices will produce nice quality images, allowing the user to always have video capabilities with them so they never miss those candid shots. The phone is so small that it fits into a person’s pocket, so cameras, video cameras and the internet are with you at all times.
Things like the features of the phones in the series and the new Bold price have everyone talking about these phones.