Trying to get a jump on your Holiday Gift buying? Looking for that perfect Holiday Gift? Then look no further than here…. I received a great gift, a stunning wine topper, made from Brazilian wood. The design was crisp with clean lines, just small enough from my female hands.

An incredible wood craftsman, my dad, makes all things wood and has for many years. He designs and creates some of the most dramatic wood wine toppers and cork screws, pen – pencil sets, and much more. 

He buys some very exotic woods such as Zebra, Brazilian, Hawaiian, Jerusalem, and even your more common varieties such as Cherry, Oak, and Maple. He then handcrafts the wood pieces on a lathe, making intricate cuts, rounding corners, and filing down the wood pieces, into these awesome creations! Once the wood pieces are complete, he then starts the process of putting all the pieces together, kind of like a jig-saw puzzle.
For more information and how to purchase any of these items, please contact him via email.