Eternity Band as the Ultimate Choice to Show Affection

    The eternity rings are the rings completely circling the ring and used to symbolize the love to someone that is indicated by the circular gems embedded in the ring. These rings and eternity bands are a unique wedding gift too. The history behind these bands and rings is very old. It is considered that the ancient Egyptians were the first who manufactured and used these rings and bands having embedded stones. These rings were initially made of metal bands and the stones were placed in an order around the ring. These types of rings were attributed to the Egyptians and they believed that these rings indicate the eternal love that lasts life long. The latest and modern eternity bands are very different from the traditional bands. These are available in different varieties e.g. diamond decorated bands, cubic zirconia based bands, gold bands and silver bands.

    It has been noticed that the diamond engagement rings and eternity rings have become one of the top selling items of jewelry. These bands can be gifted to the loved ones on the anniversary or birthday to be a symbol of commitment and everlasting love. You will ask about the myth of eternity band that what things make it eternity band, the answer is that the band or ring that is covered all around with diamonds or precious gemstones make it eternity band. The gems or stones are placed such that they make a perfect circle around the band or ring. Rounded shaped diamonds are mostly used for these bands but the colored and exotic stones can also be employed in this regard. The one of the greatest birthday gifts are the birthstone bands. You can make your own eternity band by selecting different gems to make it more attractive or gift it to some one which you love the most.

    The metal used in eternity bands usually gold or silver but the new and trendy metal cubic zirconia can be used in place to make the band look more attractive and charming. It depends on your budget that how much you can afford to gift an eternity band to your dears.

Sterling Silver Bracelets: A Unique Piece of jewelry

    Women have been fond of the jewelry since centuries and the jewelry trends are different across different parts of the world. For example in Middle East and South Asia the gold jewelry is still very popular and extensively used whereas in the western world the situation has been changed and the silver and cubic zirconia based jewelry is making its place. This due to the latest trends introduced in the Hollywood industry the younger generation is showing increased trend towards the jewelry other than the conventional gold jewelry. The bracelet is an essential part of the modern jewelry and even boys are using different bracelets as casual wear. Bracelets are available in the market of varying designs and prices, the most common sterling silver bracelets and cubic zirconia bracelets.

    Silver jewelry is considered as the pure silver and can be used to make costly jewelry. Sterling silver bracelets are of different styles and great number of shapes. These bracelets are equally popular among the men and the women and they are known for enhancing the personality of the person if worn according to the right selection.

    There many varieties ands styles of silver bracelet. The simple sterling silver bracelets are used on various casual occasions and these are available in the form of simple chains and the typical ropy style. These are used in the two basic types known as thin and thick chains. Cuff bracelets are in trend now a day and these are a bit heavy type of bracelets. These are used on both casual and formal occasions. These can be embedded with precious gems or pearls for adding more attraction to this jewelry item. The charm silver bracelets are used to symbolize something special in a relationship. These are gifted to show love, eternity and deep affection for some one. Many people attach various stones with the bracelets to become somewhat lucky. Friendship bracelets are also very popular and one of the hottest jewelry items. These bracelets have very unique and trendy designs having clasps to handle the bracelet easily. These may be available in the simpler form or very decorative friendship bracelets can be gifted.

Designs Fit For Your Valentine

    The end of January and just around the corner is Valentine’s Day. We have new designs that are sweet delicious, bold and classy, sassy and trendy; give the gift of nature’s treasures. These new designs feature pendant hearts of glass, red coral, onyx, cloisonné beads, ivoryite and peppermint jasper and much more!

    (Left:  Heart of Glass, Red Coral, Onyx Set)

    Coral: Diplomacy, quieting emotions, visualization.
    Onyx: Self-control, decision making, intuition, recognition of personal strengths.

    Jaspers: Protection, nurturing, joy, awareness; balancing of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energies.
    Smoky Quartz: Dissolving emotional blockage, clearing the mind, cooperation, personal pride, joy in living, attentiveness to the moment, protection.

    (Right:  Peachy Jasper accented w/Silver, Smoky Quartz Set)

    Shop often for the best selection, we are adding new designs weekly at Timeless Designs Ruby Lane!


    (Above:  Artistic Jasper, Rasberry Quartz Set)
    (Right:  Arizona Ivoryite, Peppermint Jasper Set)

Tucson World’s Largest Treasure Hunt

    Well, at least in the United States it is the world’s largest treasure hunt and the much anticipated ‘Biggest Show’ is about to begin. Starting January 29 and running through February 13, 2011 is the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show.

    For two weeks international buyers and sellers migrate across the globe to Tucson, Arizona for a feast of shows hosted across the small town; venues include convention centers, ball parks and empty lots, resorts, hotels and motels and multiple places along the frontage road that runs along east and west of Interstate 10. It accounts for more than 40 sites around the town to thousands of participants and attendees.

    There is always something to tantalize the imagination; minerals, fossils, gemstones, jewelry, museum and private collections on display, and lots of beading materials. Many shows are open to the public, but be sure to check the show website for details because many of them are wholesale only and require business credentials to attend.

    Check these websites for listings and information on shows:

    We’ll be highlighting several shows over the next few weeks, as we trek our way across Tucson hunting for our next inventory of treasures for the coming season!

    To see our artisan crafted creations from the treasures we find in Tucson, browse our collections online at Timeless Designs Ruby Lane!

The Snakeskin of Serpentine

    Named for the snakeskin it is said to resemble, serpentine has been used in jewelry for thousands of years; mainly because it is suitable for carving and polishes to an attractive gleam. It is sometimes confused with jadette or nephrite, because of its similar coloration, and is sometimes been known as “Korean jade” or “new jade’, although it is softer and scratches more easily than jade.

    The term serpentine encompasses a group of related minerals that are distributed across the globe. It is a secondary mineral formed from minerals such as olivine (known as gem peridot) and orthophroxene. It occurs in igneous rocks containing these minerals but typically in serpentinites, which have been formed by the serpentine minerals, the antigorites and the chrysotiles.

    Legend says that is was used by the ancient Romans as a protective stone against the powers of darkness. According to the legend, beakers made from serpentine would shatter if they came into contact with poison. In the Middle Ages, medicine was kept in serpentine containers because this increased its healing powers and made it last longer.

    As in ancient civilizations of America, serpentine was considered a guardian of vital energy and a protector of the soul against invisible powers. The stone is said to even out mood swings and calms the wearer in stressful, hectic situations; it is a protective stone that is said to bring peace.

    This new design features a large oblong serpentine pendant in deep rich green with slivers of silver. The bail contains hand twisted charms in metallic and clear faceted crystals; Arizona ivoryite, more crystals and sterling silver spacers and toggle complete the set.


    Browse our artisan crafted jewelry, featuring some of nature’s finest treasures!

    *Research from various websites, mineral-stone-crystal books.

The Engagement Rings are an Eternal Gift to Show Love

    The engagement rings can be seen in the finger of engaged women that are gifted by the men who want to marry them. These engagement rings are considered to be the promise rings that both are agreed to marry. Mostly these rings are offered by the men to their girl friends but now a day, the trend of offering engagement ring by the woman to the man is becoming popular in the U.S. whereas this trend is already common in other parts of the world like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Germany. However, the men have to present another ring to the women at the time of wedding known as wedding ring these are also called the eternity rings. The most popular of the engagement rings is the diamond ring. Sterling silver rings are also popular in this trend. The men wearing two rings are a rare thing though.

    History of the Engagement Rings:
    The origin of the engagement ring dates back to the Pope Innocent III. In the year of 1215 the pope made it mandatory that there is should be some waiting period before wedding and the rings should be gifted to the women by the men as promise ring. With the passage of time, this trend flourished across many parts of the world and now we can see that almost every person is aware of the engagement ring and it is adopted by every culture.

    Fourth Finger of the Left Hand:
    It is seen that the engagement ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. This thing also has a unique history because it was believed that this finger hosts the vein of love and hence the ring should be worn on the fourth finger of the left hand to make the love bond stronger.

    Failed Engagements:
    It has been seen that sometimes the engagements do not last long and failed. In this case the ring can be returned by the lady or she may keep it. Usually, if the failure is from man’s side, the lady has the full option to return or keep the ruing. The rings are eternity rings and are gifted to show deep love and affection. Usually, it is returned if the engagements are not successful.

Sterling silver rings – Advantages and utilities

    In the first decade of the twenty first century almost all the countries in the world have suffered economically and the inflation has increased manifold. The prices of all the marketable goods have increased and the life has become more and more difficult. The jewelry which has obsessed an ordinary as well as an elite class woman is now very costly and the prices are unaffordable even for the well established families. But thanks to technology and the science who have come up with the solution in the form of silver sterling jewelry. Chemically this is an alloy. This is made by mixing different metals with different amounts of silver. These metals are very inexpensive as compared to the silver jewelry, gold and platinum. In this way the jewelry is made with low consumption cost and is offered in the market for sale. This is often called the fashion jewelry.

    By fashion jewelry we usually mean the jewelry which is most trendy and is being worn by the celebrities. No doubt most of us look towards our favorite celebrities for the latest fashion and designs. It is true that the fashion jewelry is the trendy jewelry and is available in the latest designs in the market but it is not made up of the pure materials like gold, platinum or silver. But it is made up of cheap material which gives the same look as do these precious metals. There is a vast variety of silver sterling jewelry which is available in the market and the most common are the necklaces, Sterling silver rings, eternity rings, promise ring, friend ship bands and bracelets.

    This list is far from being complete and you can every piece of jewelry in this material. sterling silver ring are very cheap and easily affordable for all income groups. Thus it has become an obsession of the woman of the present age to have the silver sterling jewelry. The quality of the material is so stunning that the difference can never be made unless told by the wearer. This material has solved a big problem of those who love each other and want to give gifts to show the warmth of their love and emotions to their beloved ones.

Eternity rings – A special message of everlasting love

    The jewelry has been a fascination for the women since ancient times. The jewelry is mostly used to enhance the overlook of the personality. There was a time when the materials were very cheat and the jewelry was affordable for all and sundry. But nowadays the whole world is entrapped in the vicious cycle of poverty and inflation has resulted in increase of many items of basic necessities as well as the fashionable products or luxuries such as jewelry. People used to give very precious gifts of jewelry to their loved ones often. But now the high prices are a great hindrance in this regard. The rings which are considered the symbol of love, eternity and union such as promise ring and eternity rings are difficult to present as often as in the past.

    The materials like diamond, gold, platinum and silver are too costly to purchase especially for the middle and upper middle class and the jewelry has become a status symbol. It is thought that only the elite class can afford such luxuries like diamond, gold and other precious gemstone jewelry.

    The eternity rings are still considered the most special way of conveying your love and wishes of everlasting bond of love. This is mostly used by the people to present on the special milestones of their lives which may include the birthday of their life partner, the birth of a child and the wedding anniversaries. Some people like to celebrate the engagement and first encounter anniversaries also which shows their deep love for each other and the specialty of these occasions for them. The rings are mostly made of diamond with the gold band. These are very costly and not every one can afford them. But those belonging to middle income group can also buy the similar jewelry for their life partners to express the warmth of their love. This can be done by purchasing sterling silver rings. These rings are made by a material which is much cheaper than the pure silver, gold and diamond. This material is used to make all types of jewelry pieces with very much similar beauty and charm as the pure material jewelry possesses.

Advantages of cubic zirconia jewelry

    Elegant in looks and exhibiting exemplary craftsmanship, Cubic zirconia jewelry is the fashion of the day. No matter what occasion it is, you will find each and every piece from bracelets, rings, earrings, Necklaces, nose rings, pendants to ankle bracelets made of CZ. The ability to have different color coatings on it makes it an imitation not only for the diamond but also for other precious gemstones. It is available in white or colorless material and serves as an imitation to the diamond. The brilliance of the cubic zirconia is sometimes more than the diamond itself. It is usually considered that the CZ can only be used as an alternate to the diamond. Let me make it clear that it is not true.

    To explore it further, take a look at the different colors in which CZ is available and the gemstones for which these colors can be and are being used as exact replicas. A very famous and well known color of CZ is the pink one and it is also used as the replica of different pink color gemstones available in the market. Blue sapphire is very popular nowadays. The engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton has made it even popular and it will be getting more and more as the marriage of the couple approaches near and near. The engagement ring of Kate contains a blue sapphire which is surrounded by fourteen diamonds.

    The couple is intended to get married in early 2011. cubic zirconia available in blue color and white crystalline color is being used to make many replicas of this ring which has become a hot cake in the market. Either you are a fan of Kate or the late Diana; you will be looking for the same ring to express your love for them. CZ has made it possible to have a similar ring in your fingers at a very affordable price. Another very popular color with the CZ is green and it gives a look of green emerald. A very interesting color associated with CZ is the purple color which gives a look like purple amethyst. CZ has made it possible for everyone to wear diamonds and have all their jewelry desires fulfilled.

Andean Opal Rare Stone of Color

    Andean opal is a lovely blue-green translucent opal found in the Andes Mountains near San Patricio, Peru. It has been used by native South Americans for more than a thousand years and is well known in the semi-precious stone trade. Copper may be the essential trace element that causes its soft distinctive color. The pink opal derives its color from trace amounts of included organic compounds known as quinones. These opals range from opaque to translucent, and depending on how the stone is cut, the color will either be clear or show the stone’s matrix and inclusions. (Like agates, some Peruvian opals show the scenic fern-like dendritic inclusions.)

    Peruvian opal is also known as Andean opal. Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into cracks and spaces in the ground. This then gradually hardened and solidified to become opal. Opals contain water, which makes them very sensitive to heat. They are soft and can be cracked or chipped easily.

    Traditionally pink Peruvian opal is a stone of love and gentleness. It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds. As with other opals, it also brings inspiration, imagination and creativity. It can help release inhibitions and brings happy dreams. It also eases the process of change.

    This new design features round pink Peruvian opals, some charmed at the base to form a bail over a beautiful Murano glass heart pendant in black and pink. The strands are crafted of onyx, pink faceted crystals and more pink opals.

    Browse our collection of finely artisan crafted jewelry, available to purchase at our online shop!

Cubic Zirconia Necklaces

    If you are going to wear a special costume for a special party or an auspicious day, give some more time to the selection of jewelry to make the outfits and jewelry perfect to each other. There are many pieces of jewelry a woman has to select but the most important are the Necklaces and earrings. The necklaces are made up of many materials like gold, diamond, platinum and pearls. But the trendiest are those made up of cubic zirconia. Although it is an imitation of the diamond but its shine and glare makes it much more than that. In this article we are going to discuss the advantages of CZ jewelry.
    The first and foremost advantage of using the CZ jewelry is that it is cost effective and economical. The price of this jewelry is ten times less than that of diamond. it makes the CZ jewelry a darling of every woman.

    The second advantage of CZ jewelry is its perfect looks which are most similar to diamond. Even the expert jewelers are unable to differentiate between the diamond and the CZ only by seeing it. Jewelers have to use certain techniques to differentiate the two.
    Diamond is the hardest material on the planet earth. It hardness is the key towards its resistance against the scratches and keeps it shiny all the time. The CZ is also very hard as compared to other materials which are used as the imitators of the diamond jewelry.
    Diamond is a colorless substance and same is the CZ but it can be easily coated with synthetic colors. Thus it looks more beautiful and shining with different colors.

    CZ is a very tough material and is resistant to breakage just like diamond. When it comes to weight, the CZ is heavier than diamond to some extent. Different layers are so adjusted in the crystal that they disperse the light very well and cause the material to glitter and glow when exposed to light. Diamond gives only blue fluorescence but cubic zirconia gives different color fluorescence in the ultraviolet light. As far as the size of the CZ is concerned it is almost of the same size as a one carat diamond. All these advantages make it fit to use as an alternate to the diamond jewelry.

Cubic Zirconia – the best fashion jewelry

    Among all types of imitation jewelry of diamond and other precious gemstones, the best is that of cubic zirconia. They are believed to be the next fashion trend in the jewelry. They have become most popular in recent years and everyone wants to purchase them because they bear very low price tags. Originally Cubic zirconia is a mineral of metal zircon. Not abundant in nature but this beautiful gemstone can be easily synthesized in the laboratories. It takes after diamond and has become the integral part of every woman’s jewelry collection. It is used in almost all pieces of jewelry including rings, earrings, bracelets, Necklaces and pendants. Originally discovered in 1892, this gemstone could not become commercially profitable because its occurrence in nature is very rare.

    The most important part in making it available for all and sundry was played by some German and Soviet scientist who succeeded in making its crystals in the laboratory. This is a colorless compound but jewelers are using it in different colors by applying artificial dies and electroplating. It is crystalline and flawless material and most of the jewelers call it a D grade diamond as far as its color, glare and shine is concerned. The ability to disperse the light it shines brilliantly and no body can recognize it until the wearer tells himself about its material. It is harder than many other materials which are being used as replicas of diamond. Another quality of this material is that it has more weight as compared to diamond. To be precise, it is 0.65 times heavier than the diamond.

    It is the artistic production and the innovative creations of the jewelers that they have come out with stunning designs of jewelry in this material. Form this material heart rings, celebrity engagement rings, promise rings, eternity rings and many more are being reproduced by the artistic hands of the jewelers. Although it is an imitation of the diamond yet its charm is not less than the diamond. You can easily afford a diamond ring or a diamond necklace which is made up of zirconia. Thanks to nature for creating such an amazing gemstone which has given opportunity to fulfill the dreams of everyone who wants to wear diamond jewelry.

Chic Stylish Designs in Shades of Red

    A chic, trendy, elegant, and bold design….that is what’s new at our online shop in artisan crafted custom jewelry featuring the color RED!

    Heart of mine in Murano glass deep red pendant with black marks; accented with lots of hand turned crystals of red and black.

    Trendy stylish statement in red sponge coral pendant that is accented with cloisonné and lampwork beads, red coral (dyed) and extended with long chain.

    Bold elegant red (dyed) coral with all faceted onyx in shapes of square and rounds.

    Browse and shop our collections of artisan crafted jewelry, from natures earthy treasures!

Rockhound’s Paradise – Quartzsite

    If you are into rocks, minerals, fossils, and just all around rockhound than Quartzsite is the place for you! Every year in January, in a sleepy little town just 20 miles east of the Colorado River on I-10, sits a the town of Quartzsite, Arizona. It has been know since the 1960s as the rockhound’s paradise, coming from far and wide across the globe. It has become the mecca to over a million visitors (mostly in RVs) each year during the January through February months; some would say it’s the pre-show to the epic Tucson Gem & Mineral Show in February.

    The show is host to over 2,000 vendors specializing in rocks, gems, minerals, fossils and everything else imaginable; creating one of the world's largest open air flea markets in Quartzsite. Eight major gem and mineral shows as well as vendors of raw and handcrafted merchandise peddle their wares to snowbirds, collectors and enthusiasts, making Quartzsite the place to be the first two months of each year.

    Historically, a small mining boom revitalized the town as Quartzsite in 1897 and it remained thus until 1965, when the Pow Wow Rock, Gem & Mineral Show began the rockhound winter migration to Quartzsite each year. These days, the population can swell to almost a million during January and February as rockhounders, jewelers and vendors, mostly in thousands of RVs, attend the eight major gem and mineral shows.

    Enjoy and have fun at Quartzsite list of shows below.

    Show 2011
    January 01 - February 28, 2011 Desert Gardens -Gem & Mineral
    January 07 - January 16, 2011 Tyson Wells Rock & Gem Show
    January 08 - January 23, 2011 Main Event
    January 21 - January 30, 2011 Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama
    January 22 - January 30, 2011 Sports, Vacation & RV Show
    February 2 -February 6. 2011 Hobby Craft & Gem Show
    February 4 - February 13, 2011 Tyson Wells Arts & Craft Fair

    The next stop……the “Big Show” Tucson Gem & Mineral Show!!

The best way to purchase an engagement ring

    Most of the men spend hours to think about proposing a girl. The most of the things they think about include the time, the place, the romantic words, the correct way of proposing, response of the girl and to celebrate the happiness after a positive response. They forget to plan about the most important part of the engagement, the engagement rings. Most of the men consider it a casual shopping which consists of simply going to a jewelers shop with a heavy vault. Although they have an imagination of the special ring which they want to present on this auspicious occasion but this fantasy cannot get realized due to their simplicity and lack of proper planning. Every one wants to give her beauty an engagement ring which is a marvelous piece of jewelry and the charm and worth of the engagement should let her know how much they lover her. But if you know how to buy the engagement rings, it can make the process simple and valuable.

    Some of the valuable of tips for this task are given below. You can discuss the matter with a friend who has gone through this experience and seek his advice. To know about the latest trends regarding eternity rings, you can also browse the internet. Social sites can be of great help in this regard. You can get novel ideas from your friends all over the world. Another way of getting it right is to keep an eye on the special events in the lives of the celebrities. A recent event which can give you a lead is the engagement of Kate Middleton with Prince William.

    Kate Middleton engagement ring is among the trendiest nowadays. It is a blue sapphire which is surrounded by the diamonds. If you cannot afford the price of such precious material, you can opt for silver jewelry or cubic zirconia. This jewelry is much cheaper than the diamond and gold jewelry. Remember that the engagement ring is not only a financial investment but it is also the investment of your emotions which will pay you with interest of love. This is why select the engagement ring with utmost care.

Engagement rings – How to select the best ring for engagement?

    We want to imitate those whom we love and idealize. The celebrities are the personalities whom we love and idealize and the imitation is the must result of this love. The fans of the Kate Middleton and Prince William found something to imitate at last when in last November they got engages finally. It is said that they had a courtship of eight years before finally reaching this decision that they should shape their relation into an everlasting one. Previously college fellows both of them remained in news for their friendship and love affair. Kate Middleton engagement ring is said to be the most precious possession of the Prince William. It is related to his special memories about her mother, Princess Diana.

    It is the same engagement ring worn by her mother. She chose it from many Engagement rings presented to her after engagement since she was not presented with one at the time of engagement. The fans have gone crazy about this ring and the ring is expected to launch thousands of copycats. The dream of every fan of Kate and Diana is to get the similar ring on their engagements from their loving future husbands. This ring has suddenly become the darling of the crowd who are going to be engaged or married this year. Eternity rings need to be selected after considering many factors. Many people like to present diamond rings to their fiancée. Some like gold and silver rings. The richness of the material is important to consider. The fashion jewelry such as cubic zirconia uses such quality material that the jewelry remains intact for long time. The everlasting nature and the striking resemblance to the gold, silver and diamond makes them perfect alternates of theses precious materials.

    The trend towards the Silver jewelry also makes these materials popular among the people. No matter what material you want to purchase, fashion jewelry affords for all materials with striking resemblance but low prices. With the advancement in the technology has helped online business to flourish and the jewelers are also starting online business to reach the customer’s home. This also helps the customer to get the best available jewelry at the suitable price.

Light Spring Designs in Calcite

    Almost entirely consisting of pure calcium, calcite is one of the most common and widely distributed minerals; it is the major constituent of limestone, marble and chalk. The name is comes from the Latin word, Calx, meaning “Lime”. Calcite is normally found in veins within rock. It is quarried most often as limestone to make cement, building blocks, ornamental stones, and fertilizers. Pure metamorphosed limestone forms white granular marble and the presence of other minerals results in colored, figured marble use for building, decorations and carvings.

    Calcite crystals are more varied than any other mineral, with the best formed in rock cavities. They are large, transparent and colorless preismatic crystals inter-grown with other minerals. More than 200 forms are known, and they combine into a thousand different variations. In limestone caves, it produces stalacites and stalagmites, and it also forms seashells of living organisms which, on death, form limestone. Calcite is found in various colors including orange, blue, green, and citrine (yellow).

    Calcite is said to symbolize clarification, mental growth and inner enlightenment. Legend says that Native Americans consider calcite a holy stone of the land of their fathers that was given to them by the gods. Green calcite is linked to the star sign of Capricorns.

    These two designs are feature Calcite ready for the spring and summer seasons!

    In this design, calcite is used as an accent stone to highlight the fused glass pendant to bring out more of the golden yellow tones; it’s a pretty mix between light airy Baltic amber chips and cultured freshwater pearls.

    The second design is all calcite and features three large stones at the center, graduating the stones along with cultured freshwater pearls finishes the necklace.

    Browse our online shop for some new spring and summer designs, available to purchase and add to your jewelry collection!
    *Research from various websites and mineral/gem books.

Rockhounds & Rock Enthusiasts

    Looking for something to do this weekend and get out of the cold? Take a drive up to Fredericksburg for a rockhound experience at the Hill Country Gem & Mineral Show!!

    Drop by the Panther Creek Minerals booth; they have brand new shipments of museum quality minerals, fossils, amethyst, citrine, and much more!!

    42nd Annual Hill Country Gem & Mineral Show
    January 15th – 16th / Sat: 9:00am – 6:00pm & Sun: 10:00am – 5:00pm
    At the Pioneer Pavilion – Lady Bird Johnson Park
    (off Highway 16 three miles south of Fredericksburg, Texas)
    Put on by the Fredricksburg Rockhouds

    The show is free and so is the parking, with raffle drawings and hourly door prizes!! You can find minerals, fossils, meteorites, gems, jewelry, exhibits, demonstrations, rock experts, panning for gold, and much more!

Kate Middleton engagement ring – How to get an engagement ring like this

    Fashion is the craze of the day and everyone wants to get the latest in the market. The fashion is what celebrities are wearing. Since we love these celebrities, we love everything belonging to them. When we see them using any product we want to be like them and give it a try. When it comes to jewelry the celebrities are the trend setters like all other things. Be it a girl or a boy, the engagement is one of the biggest milestones towards marriage and everyone wishes to make it as memorable as possible. One way of doing this is by giving eternity rings.

    Every girl has some dreams about her engagement and the ring her boy will give to her. She has some inner desires which if fulfilled she will love her boy ever. As girls also like the celebrities and want to get things which their favorites own, you should look around the engagement of the celebrities and the rings presented to or by them. It will give you an idea about the choice and liking of your beloved. Recently Kate Middleton is engaged to Prince William and there is a lot of buzz about the Kate Middleton engagement ring. It has become the fashion of the day and all the girls want to get Kate Middleton ring or celebrity inspired jewelry just like that.

    It is said to be her mother’s wedding ring and the design is awesome. Any girl who has a glance of it will love to have it. If you are looking for engagement rings, this can give you a lead about the best ring for your girl.

    This is an eighteen carat sapphire surrounded by diamonds and gives a perpetually modern look.
    You should look for a ring similar to that and you can get it very easily from the market. There are a lot of similar designs as cubic zirconia in the market now. Although it is very expensive but the love your girl has for you is priceless. You can easily get a replica if you want to get it cheaper. If you will present a ring which is very much in nowadays, you will be getting admiration from your life.

Kate Middleton ring – a nice engagement ring to have

    There has been a lot of discussion on the media and among the fans about the friendship of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The two are engaged at last. But the buzz about their engagement is much intense as compared to their friendship. Engagement rings get special heed when these events occur. Same is the case with both these and there is a lot of discussion about the engagement ring Prince William gave to her fiancée. It is actually a sapphire with the most beautiful diamonds around it. This is actually the same engagement ring which presented by Prince Charles to Princess Diana Spencer back in 1981. So, it has also got the attentions of Diana’s fans that number in millions.

    Kate Middleton engagement ring is a family heirloom of the royal family. Its worth is round about 2, 65,000 U.S.D and keeps a long and amazing history. Kate Middleton ring is not the most costly ring a lady received on her engagement. There are other celebrities who received more costly engagement rings. But this ring is special in a sense that it has a unique history and a perpetually modern design. Since its appearance on the media it has become the fashion ring for engagement in the market. The women and girls love to have it in their collection and they love to put it in their fingers. They are crazy about it because of its immense exquisiteness and uniqueness. If you are going to be engaged and looking for a eternity rings, purchasing a ring in this design will be a great idea and an amazing gift for your fiancée.

    If you are worried about its worth, you can get it in a very affordable price with other materials such as cubic zirconia which give exactly the same look as original. Special things deserve someone special to own them and the same was said by Price William for the ring he presented to Kate. Both the ring and Kate are special for him and they are perfect match for each other. You also can get a perfect match for your beauty, an eighteen carat sapphire with glaring diamonds.

Interesting Rocks of Conglomerate Jasper

    Conglomerates are basically round stones set in a matrix of finer sand and clay. The stones can be gravel, pebbles, cobbles, or chips of boulders. These stones have been tumbles along beaches, rivers or streams for countless years to round off all the sharp edges. That makes these stones very touch to survive all the battering and elements of Mother Nature; so conglomerates are usually a base stone of quartz, flint, chert and hard igneous rocks. Conglomerates in a way, mark an interruption in the slow, steady process of deposition of rocks and minerals.

    The great majority of conglomerates are described as petromict or polymict. This means they contain a wide mix of different stones from a variety of sources, such as basalts, slates and limestones. The matrix can be silicates, calcites or iron oxides. They are mainly river deposits washed down from areas of high relief and dumped in alluvial fans. The colors of conglomerates are as varies as the rocks and minerals their stones come from. The stones are often marked by different colors from the matrix.

    In this design I’ve used a red conglomerate jasper pendant that is found and mined in New Mexico; the strands of the necklace are of red star jasper and rare Arizona ivoryite with a splash of blue crystals to bring out the blue matrix in the pendant.

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Advantages of silver jewelr

    When it comes to the jewelry and the selection of the material of the jewelry, there are a lot of choices. The most famous materials include the diamond, gold, platinum, silver and other gemstones. As far as the fashion jewelry is concerned, there are few good choices which are the sterling silver and the cubic zirconia. In this article I will tell you about some advantages of the Silver jewelry. The first advantage is the aesthetic value of the silver. Silver is a color which gives a soothing effect to the eyes and it matches with all the colors. No matter what is the color of your outfitters you can wear the silver jewelry with confidence that it will give a perfect look.

    It is very rare that the silver clashes with any other color. Silver has been used as jewelry for centuries and it has been used for making the coins also. The main reason behind this is the durability of the silver. A drawback of the silver is that it can get rusted or tarnished soon. This defect is no more due to the use of sterling silver necklaces which is made by mixing certain metals with the silver. This mixing of the different metals results in the formation of the alloys which are purely corrosion resistant. There is no tarnishing with the sterling silver jewelry. Silver jewelry is available in vast variety. All the articles of jewelry including the eternity rings, necklaces, diamond rings, bracelets, ankle bracelets and earrings are made by the sterling silver.

    The fashion jewelry which is made by the silver sterling and the cubic zirconia is affordable to a lot of people. All types of celebrity jewelry is available in the market which is made up of sterling silver. Recently the engagement ring presented by Prince William to Kate Middleton is has also many silver replicas and is famous with the name of Kate Middleton engagement ring in the market. The jewelry related to all other celebrities is made with the Sterling silver to make it affordable for the fans of these celebrities. The advantage of low price and durability has made the fashion jewelry very popular among the masses.

Engagement rings – Things to know before purchasing an engagement

    Engagement rings are special rings which everyone has to buy at least once in life. Either you want to buy a diamond ring or an imitation of diamond; you should know all the terminology related to the diamond and the engagement rings. If you will visit a jewelers shop without any preparation and knowledge of the diamond before hand, you will be facing a jumble of words. The jewelers take few minutes to describe the vast range of the rings which they have and use the words like carat, cut, clarity, color, metal and gemstone names, the fashion jewelry material names etc. If you have no knowledge of these terms you will not be able to decide the best ring for your future bride.

    The selection and purchase of the ring for engagement involves financial as well as emotional considerations. Nowadays the Kate Middleton engagement ring is very much in fashion due to the popularity of Kate and Prince William and the attachment of the ring to the late Princess Diana. If you visit a jeweler and he tells you that the ring is a blue sapphire and it is surrounded by fourteen brilliantly low cut diamonds and the sapphire is eighteen carat, you will find it difficult to understand what the quality of the ring is and how much does it worth if you are not familiar with the terms carat and the sapphire or you do not know what is high cut or low cut diamond.

    Although you find it very difficult to know about these terms yet it will guarantee you a success in choosing the best ring for your beloved and will help you win an appraisal from her. Moreover, you will not get confused by the words spoken by the jeweler and will find it easy to focus on your selection rather than focusing on the word jumble. Another important tip in this regard is to know what is the choice of your future bride about the rings and the gemstones? If you exactly know about her likes and dislikes, you will be in a very good position to purchase an eternity ring for her. The cubic zirconia is very much useful in this regard. It gives the look of diamond but is actually artificial. The prices are very low for the sterling silver rings.

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